Next Event: San Jose June 21 & 22
Next Event: San Jose June 21 & 22
Signed in as:
Santa Clara County Fairgrounds
Expo Hall
344 Tully Road
San Jose, CA 95111
Public Hours:
Saturday June 21, 2025 from 10am to 5pm
Sunday June 22, 2025 from 10am to 4pm
Reptile Realms launched The San Jose Reptile Show in 2014, and it quickly grew to become the Bay Area's Largest and busiest Reptile Expo with over 10,000 attendees exploring 45,000 square feet of live reptiles, amphibians, invertebrates, plants and supplies. As a local family business, we are proud to offer special discounts and opportunities for Bay Area Families to experience Reptile Realms. Thousands of live reptiles will be available to purchase.
Come experience a Bay Area tradition, while supporting local businesses.
A Reptile Room (Reptile Supplies)
Avangtar Reptiles
Bay Area Herpetological Society
BiggeSnake Reptiles
BioActive Supply Company
Capital City Ball Pythons
CBN Reptiles
Chris Silveira Reptiles
Creepy Critters Rescue
Daenerys MotherOfSpiders
DD's Plants & Pets
Deans Reptiles and Rodents (Frozen)
Dragon Fyre Geckos
Dubi Deli
East Bay Vivarium
Exotic Entities
Good Life Gecko
HC Premium Reptiles + Ball or Nothing Pythons
High Desert Geckos
Highlighter Chameleons
Jennifer's Creations and Keepsakes
JFD Paleo Art
JFK Dragons
JnW Reptile Rescue
Juice's Arthropods
Las Selvas (Tropical Plants)
Livingston, LLC
Lowbelly Reptiles
Maverick Pythons
Micro Wilderness
Mystic Butterflies
Nature's Creation (Got Wood)
Obsidian Dragons
Offerings of Gaia + PenaCraft3D
Pokey's Geckos
Quality Geckos
Rich McColl's Serpents
Rainbows-R-Us Reptiles
Real Nature Gifts
Redstone Minerals
Renowned Reptiles
Reptile Garage
RnR Branches
Rosy Woods Reptiles
Scales Reptiles
Scales, Fins & Feathers
SG Reptiles
Smiling Jim's Constrictors
Snakeful Grace
Spider Stuff Co.
Spyder Collector + Frogs Direct
The Lucky Cuy
The Reptile Shop
The Spider Room + Tim's Dart Frogs
Three Little Fish
Topshelf Reptiles
Trinity Morphs
Tropical Fish Factory
Verdant Vivariums
Vexotic Me
A Reptile Room (Reptile Supplies)
Avangtar Reptiles - Gold Level
Bay Area Herpetological Society
BiggeSnake Reptiles
BioActive Supply Company
Capital City Ball Pythons
CBN Reptiles
Chris Silveira Reptiles
Creepy Crittersr Rescue
Daenerys MotherOfSpiders - Gold Level
DD's Plants & Pets - Reigning Ticket Referral Champion
Deans Reptiles and Rodents (Frozen)
Dragon Fyre Geckos
Dubi Deli - Platinum Level
East Bay Vivarium
Exotic Entities
Good Life Gecko
HC Premium Reptiles + Ball or Nothing Pythons
High Desert Geckos
Highlighter Chameleons
Jennifer's Creations and Keepsakes
JFD Paleo Art
JFK Dragons
JM Cages
JnW Reptile Rescue
Juice's Arthropods - Gold Level
Las Selvas (Tropical Plants)
Livingston, LLC
Lowbelly Reptiles
Maverick Pythons
Micro Wilderness
Mystic Butterflies
Nature's Creation (Got Wood)
Obsidian Dragons
Offerings of Gaia + PenaCraft3D
Pokey's Geckos
Quality Geckos
Rich McColl's Serpents
Rainbows-R-Us Reptiles
Real Nature Gifts
Redstone Minerals
Renowned Reptiles
Reptile Garage
RnR Branches
Rosy Woods Reptiles
Scales Reptiles
Scales, Fins & Feathers
SG Reptiles
Smiling Jim's Constrictors
Snakeful Grace - Gold Level
Spider Stuff Co.
Spyder Collector + Frogs Direct
The Lucky Cuy
The Reptile Shop
The Spider Room + Tim's Dart Frogs
Three Little Fish
Topshelf Reptiles
Trinity Morphs
Tropical Fish Factory
Verdant Vivariums
Vexotic Me
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